Child Online Safety Conference

Mar 7, 2017, 9:00 AM - Mar 7, 2017, 2:00 PM
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  • There is no doubt that the Internet yields enormous opportunities and benefits for children in terms of its impact on their educational attainment and social inclusion. However, it has also exposed children to dangers that defy age, geographic location and other boundaries that are more clearly delineated in the real world. This has resulted in risks to children and young people of having abusive images of them shared on the Internet; of being groomed or lured into sexual conversations or exploitation by adult offenders; of being bullied or harassed online. Therefore, this event seek to address some of the issues raised and other emerging issues to urgently increase their knowledge of Internet safety and empower them to identifying dangers on the Internet.

    To this end, Youth Crime Watch of Nigeria, a program of African Centre for Citizens Orientation, an NGO in special consultative status with United Nations ECOSOC scheduled a one-day online safety education & conference for Nigerian children and youths to create necessary awareness and build capacity of students in public and private schools and selected children/youths from youth-led organizations (aged 10 and 17years).

    The theme for this event is, "Internet, New Media & Child Safety: Minimizing Risks, Maximizing Opportunities"

    Tuesday 7th March, 2017

    For more information about this event, please visit
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