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by Olapeju Oladipupo in Wall Photos on November 27
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A lot of people has been posting about using castor seed to prevent pregnancy but there are some things not clarified such as that the hard back of a castor seed is highly toxic and can kill a full grown adult within minutes and that when you exceed the normal dosage or abuse it can cause permanent sterility (barrenness)
So please mummies relax and read carefully

Castor As Birth Control

Castor beans have traditionally been used by women in various countries as a form of birth control.
Scientifically known as Ricinus communis and native to India and Africa, the castor plant has been around for millennia. Castor is known to contain a highly toxic protein known as
ricin, which happens to be one of the most lethal substances occurring in nature. As such, it is the presence of this toxin that imparts to castor its quality as a laxative and for birth control while also giving it antifungal, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

How To Use Castor Oil For Birth Control

Traditional medicine is replete with instances of using castor as an effective method of contraception. Even today, there are reports of women using castor oil inside their vaginas as a form of birth control or one of the natural ways to cause an abortion.
Please note that the term contraception is different from abortion, and the two must not be confused. Contraception includes all techniques that prevent a pregnancy from occurring while abortion is the deliberate termination of a pregnancy after it has occurred.

Here, we’ve discussed three ways featured in Ayurvedic and Unani treatises, traditional schools of medicine from the Indian subcontinent, that use castor as an effective contraceptive.

1. To prevent a pregnancy right after intercourse
Take a couple (two) of fresh castor seeds.
Break them open to find a white seed inside.
Consume one seed within 72 hours of intercourse.
This method is seen to work as a natural I-pill.

2. To use as contraception over a month
Break open fresh castor seeds to find a white seed inside.
Eat three seeds for the first three days of menstruation.

3. For permanent sterility (in cases where the woman is done with giving birth)

Consume 5 seeds for 5 consecutive days.
You may even consume one castor seed daily over a period of seven days after menstruation.
It has been suggested that this will lead to permanent sterility and the woman will not conceive again in her lifetime.
Administering the pulp of one-two castor seeds during menstruation has been reported to prevent fertilization too.
Hope now you are clear about the concept of castor oil for abortion. Keep in mind that as with other remedies of traditional medicine, natural methods of contraception need further scientific validation too. Utmost caution must be taken with any form of contraception, traditional or modern. Remember to contact your healthcare provider immediately if you feel something is not right.