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by Estelle Sylvanus in Wall Photos on December 20
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Description Obviously, relationships come sometimes with emotional baggages which can cause serious frictions. Many of such relationships have broken down, some even beyond repair just because one party or the other is not ready to forgive and let go of one offence or the other.

Many will even say they will settle their scores in heaven as if heaven is a court of law. Very funny, it is better you forgive the person and let go of any unsettled matter between you and anybody before the year runs out. Don't carry grudges into a new year, repent.

Some people have blocked the road to many good things in their lives just because of unforgiveness. My dear, clear your heart of any matter with anybody. Forgiveness does not mean you are wrong or the other person is right, it only means one respects God enough to obey His word plus you are matured enough to value relationship above ego.

I understand that there are different degrees of offences, but no matter what, just forgive the person and move on. Jesus had no sin, but he took the sins of the whole world and forgave us all. We should learn to forgive ourselves no matter what the issue is.

Listen to this in Colossians 3:13 (Easy English),"Do not get angry with each other, but be patient. You may not be happy about something that someone else has done. But you should *forgive that person. *Forgive them as the *Lord *forgave you." That is God's stand on forgiveness.

My dear, don't end this year having anybody in mind, forgive and let go. Think of the sacrifices of Jesus Christ on the cross for our sake. I have made up my mind to forgive in advance no matter what anybody does to me. Pls forgive anybody that offends you and move on. Remember,Jesus loves you. Have a purpose driven day.